Someone’s blog gets hack and that person loses years of blogging work overnight is unfortunately a sad reality that people are already experiencing nowadays. In fact, research shows that 37,000 websites are hack every day, and with WordPress powering around 25.4% of all websites, you can be sure that a significant portion of WordPress blogs are hack every day.
WordPress security is a completely
different opera; once you own a WordPress blog, tips like using a username that’s hard to guess and having a rock-solid password aren’t enough anymore. A single faulty theme, bad plugin, or improperly protect file can cause someone to hack your blog overnight.
Whether you have no experience with WordPress or have been using the platform since its inception, in this article you will find ten practical and super effective ways to secure a WordPress blog that anyone can implement. While most of these tips won’t be found in the popular “how to secure your blog” articles, they might just save your blog one day!
Also read: Fifty Most Want WordPress Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
1. Turn off the WordPress theme and plugin itor
WordPress comes with a nifty ability that gives website owners more flexibility by allowing them to customize and it their themes and plugins right from the WordPress dashboard, but this ability is the bane of most blogs.
When you use this ability, a small bug can cause the site to crash and your own site to be lock away from you . Hackers can easily inject malicious code into a theme to gain backdoor access to the site, or even completely take over the entire site by gaining control of an account that has sufficient privileges to use the theme and plugin itor.
You can protect yourself from this by simply turning off the theme and plugin itor, making it impossible for anyone without FTP access to modify themes and plugins .
You do this by adding the following code to your wp-config.php file:
define( ‘DISALLOW_FILE_IT’, true );
Read more: Nine WordPress plugins to detect malicious code on your website
2. Turn on two-step verification
Two-factor authentication is quickly becoming one of the most reliable ways to protect online accounts, and the most trust sites insist that their users have it turn on.
Although WordPress does not vietnam phone number data necessarily have two-step verification built into it, you can enable two-step verification on your blog by installing the following plugins:
Google Authenticator
3. Limit logins by the number of fail attempts
There are various ways hackers try to gain access to blogs. One of the most commonly us techniques is a brute the employer’s image affects how quickly you find force attack : the hacker tries one username and password combination after another until he is able to successfully break into the blog.
WordPress is not protect against this attack by default. When you install plugins that block logins from a cz lists specific IP address after a given number of fail attempts, it will be much more difficult for hackers to gain access to your blog.