Of the product to recover after a failure; Load, determines stability during a sharp increase in the number of users (important for marketplace applications); Compatibility, functionality is check on different platforms, interaction with other systems; Security level, the study reveals the degree of protection against intruders; Performance, where the software’s operation is assess under normal conditions, with increas load; Ease of use, the test determines how convenient the interface is for the user, etc.
Fault tolerance – helps to determine
At what point certain components may fail under force majeure circumstances; Configurations, research with setting various parameters. Methods of system testing Three methods can be distinguish : Black-box. The tester does mom database not know the system architecture, evaluates its performance bas on external reactions and the results obtain . This approach makes it possible to understand how easy the product is to use and meets expectations.
The specialist is familiar with the internal structure, checks individual components, joint work. Gray-box. A good middle ground between the previous two, where the tester is aware of individual aspects and considers external manifestations when you’ll see this more clearly drawing conclusions. Testing stages If an engineer ne s to research a particular application, he must take it through 4 steps: Drawing up a general plan. A team is form from a business analyst, a project manager, a tester to define goals.
The necessary functionality is analyz
The main tasks to be solv when using the software are determin (payment, purchase), then a plan for conducting system testing is drawn up. Preparatory work. Consists of developing a test scenario, data for analyzing the functionality bulk lead of the software. This stage includes preparing a test environment – an environment that simulates typical operating conditions. Direct execution. The prepar scenario is launch , the correctness of data processing and the level of functionality are record.