Google+ as a source of traffic and new followers for your blog

Google+ is the new bet of the search engine that dominates the world. Things have changed since Schmidt left his position as CEO to Page. Google is obsessed with beating Facebook in the social media race. All new projects have to add value to the strategic product Google+.

Using Google+ as a source

I am not a user of the platform. All the points I mention in this post are a summary of x blog posts in Spanish, English and German that I have been reading lately on the subject. For those who do not know Google+ so well, I recommend reading the entry by guest blogger Sonia Diez “Google+ – alternative or complementary to Twitter and Facebook”, a “heavy-user” of the platform and who is also part of the “77 social media blogs you should not miss”. Let’s start with the question about its importance.

Why might it make sense to open a Google+ account?

I have refused for a long time to write about Google+ because I do not like to follow topics that are in fashion. Since it has held up for the first few months and is still being talked about, I have to take it seriously. It seems that the new platform is gaining more and more importance.

Source of traffic to generate visits to the blog or website.
Impact on web positioning through the “+1”.
Appearance in search results by integrating the new author tag (“authorship mark-up”) on your website.
It seems that Google’s plan is to brazil phone number library force us to create an account on its platform if we care about SEO. Still, there are also several reasons against Google+.

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Why maybe it doesn’t make

Trends come and go. The new player has to prove that it can win the battle against Facebook. It still has a long way to go.

Although many resources are being invested in this new platform, it has not yet established itself and could become another failed experiment just like Google Wave or Buzz.
Loss of focus of your social media patience is key unfortunately yandex strategy. You can’t be present everywhere. Choose a few and work them well.
If you are looking for branding or engagement, Google+ is far from the permanence figures of Facebook or Twitter. On average, the user spends 3.3 minutes each month on the platform.
Let’s say that you have already made the decision to create your account. Now the question is how you can get the most out of it.

How to generate traffic and get followers with Google+

As for getting the most out of Google+, there atb directory are many points that could also be applied to other networks. These are the tips that can be read on most blogs.

1. Add people from your sector to your circles: just as you can see the circles you are part of, so can the users who are part of yours. It is a simple way to attract the attention of the profiles that interest you the most.

2. Complete your profile: add a photo and description to your profile. It makes it easier to be in more circles because it gives the possibility of being able to “classify” yourself better. The visual part creates the sensation of activity and completes the profile. Add a link to your site and include a button on your website to add yourself on Google.

Share and create value-added content

What works on Facebook and Twitter also works on Google+. In the end, its members are still people with the same needs and instincts. Sharing photos, videos and posts with your circles based on interests is a good way to segment the audience and provide more specific value.

4. Comment and rate third-party content: quality interactions are one of the keys to success on social networks. Comment and rate third-party content to create interest for your profile and linked sites.

5. Invite followers from other networks to your circles: “Are we already connected on Google+?” It is a question I often see on Twitter. Inviting your existing followers is a way to build a base of people on Google+.

6. Ask for feedback on your posts before publishing them on the blog: Martin Varsavsky commented on a post that he used Google+ to receive feedback before publishing it. It’s a way to create expectations for a post and build loyalty among your existing readers.

7. Improve SEO: An indirect way to generate traffic is through better positioning. There are several tips to improve SEO with Google+ from people who know more about the subject than I do, so I recommend reading the linked post if you’re interested in going into more detail.

I’m still not sure whether to open a Google+ account or not. My social media strategy is based on the blog and Twitter. This approach has helped me grow blog traffic in a short time and get new followers.

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