The 5 phases of blogging to get an immortal log

I never tire of saying that consistency is a key factor for success in a blog. Of the people who start a blog, 95% abandon the project after a short time. If you ask questions about the reasons, you always get more or less the same answers:

Lack of time to write.

After a few entries, there were no ideas for new posts.
Fear of continuing to publish because of having received criticism.
Lack of motivation because only a few people came to the blog without leaving feedback in the comments.
The reasons are ultimately all related to a lack of mentality. Many start because someone around them (both privately and in the area of ​​contacts on social networks) has convinced or influenced them in the decision to create a blog.

In order not to throw in the towel after a short time, it is important to know the phases and their duration. If you start training benin phone number library for a marathon, you are guided by a training plan that is adapted to your objectives. Although there is no exact data, I want to give you some guidance on the duration of each phase and what it takes to move from one to the other.

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Starting a blog: key tasks

Writing and publishing the first 50 entries on your blog.
Capturing and retaining the first  readers of the blog.
Getting the first comments and generating interaction with your content.
Identifying the top bloggers companies are taking action in your sector and starting to interact with them.
This phase can last 6-12 months depending on the frequency of publication and the quality of the content. There are some beginner mistakes that are frequently repeated in the development of a blog.

Promoting the blog too aggressively atb directory when there is hardly any content.
Betting on SEO and neglecting the quality of the published content.
Creating content that has an expiration date related to news of short interest.
Not creating a scannable structure for the posts and making it difficult to quickly read the articles.
At the end of this phase you can get an average of 10-20 retweets per post and with a little “luck” some could even exceed 100 or even more.

Once you have created

The minimum base of about 50-100 posts, it makes sense to dedicate some time to promotion and communication. If you start this phase too early, you run the risk of creating traffic spikes that do not generate recurring visits. The reader comes to read a post and due to lack of variety and quantity in the content does not stay. The contact has been too punctual to create an impact and build loyalty. The main tasks in this phase are the following:

Get followers and readers

Get followers and retweets every time you publish a post.
Publish posts as an external author on the top blogs in your niche.
Increase the number of subscribers to your blog.
The role of social networks is key to attract traffic when you have reached this point of evolution with your blog. This phase can last 6-18 months depending on the time and effort you are dedicating to it. There are 3 main mistakes to be made in the traffic acquisition phase.

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