The same thing in our personal and everyday lives

Surprisingly, such a taxi driver was found. The businessmen got to the hotel for 1900 shekels, as they wanted. Let’s sum it up Game theory is not just an abstract scientific concept, but a universal strategic tool that can be useful to everyone both for successful business development and in everyday life. Understanding the strategies, principles of interaction and risk management that game theory offers gives you a competitive advantage and allows you to get ahead of your opponent in a controversial situation. Mastering the principles of game theory opens up many new opportunities and can even underlie successful business development.

What Remote Work Has Brought

Russian Business According to statistics, the remote format can win in nepal phone number library efficiency over the office format. Here is a small part of the results of the research of the Institute of Personnel Development: 71% of managers noted that the remote format did not reduce team productivity; 46% of employees are satisfied with flexible working hours and savings on commuting to work; 33% noticed that they were less distracted from work tasks at home; 69% of employees began to sleep better and feel less nervous.

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Thus, the forced transition to remote work for

Many resulted in positive changes both in work and in well-being. Therefore, many companies did not return to the office after the pandemic. But for the rest, the benefits of the remote format this creates a more relevant still outweigh the fears of global changes. Why Businesses Are Still Afraid of the Home Office Switching to a home office is a radical change. And it’s perfectly normal for such a big change to be scary.

Fear of the unknown and new, unpredictable

Experiences doesn’t just apply to business we experience. Let’s take a closer ws data look at the most popular fears. Resistance to change Stability is something familiar and understandable. A familiar system that works according to proven rules and regulations. Changing the system means rewriting regulations and revising all processes. And this requires time, effort and other resources, which is why you constantly want to postpone the transition to remote work.

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