10 ways the challenge of agreements affects daily work

To help you calculate exactly how much the deal challenge is costing your team! we created an interactive assessment tool . All you have to do is answer a few questions about your team’s deal process and the assessment will calculate how many hours and dollars your team is losing due to outdated workflows. The result looks something like this:

Deal challenges cost your team up to $2.9 million a year.

Even at the scale of your entire organization! it can be difficult to understand the impact of deal challenges. It may be easier to understand if you break it down into everyday problems you encounter that are caused by deal challenges.

Here are 10 signs that your team is affected by deal challenges! even if you don’t realize it:

B2B Sales

1. Sales deals are constantly delayed.

At the beginning of your sales deals! salespeople probably envision a simple! straightforward deal process. However! before the deal is finalized! roadblocks arise: missing deal templates! data needs to be confirmed before being manually entered! us contact number list legal reviews take longer than expected! the contract requires additional rounds of review! a critical resource is out of the office! and so on. In the end! the deal is delayed a month! a quarter! or even longer. These setbacks may seem like part of the deal process! but the truth is! they are problems that can be anticipated and avoided with the right technology. These delays cost your team sales revenue. Individual salespeople miss their quota! and the team falls short of its revenue projection. Inefficiency also eats up time that could be spent on new sales deals.

us contact number list

2. Agreements spend too much time waiting for legal approval.

Legal teams have a lot on their plate. They are often a small team serving a number of different internal audiences. It’s not uncommon for busy legal approvers to become bottlenecks in the sales process. Deals that seem quick and easy turn into long! complicated stories with too many obstacles. Your sales team doesn’t want that to happen. Your legal team doesn’t like it either. It doesn’t have to be that way. Instead of involving expensive legal resources in your routine deal process! you should look for ways to automate common legal activities or even eliminate them from the process by providing sellers with pre-approved self-service tools.

3. Price increases are not applied or charged.

Long-term sales contracts may often contain an initial discount for customers. Such offers can how to register and advertise on ifood? be a great incentive to attract new customers. However! as the contract progresses beyond those initial discounts! salespeople often forget to apply the price increase and accidentally extend the lower price. Typically! the reason for such errors is a large base of agreements without an automated mechanism to enforce the agreed-upon terms. Because employees are too busy to search through completed agreements and find the correct amount for


4. Purchasing employees do not have time to manage suppliers.

Would you like to have more time to spend with vendors after you agree to a purchase with them? If you’re too busy setting the terms of a relationship in pre-purchase paperwork! you won’t have time to nurture it after the signing. That extra time with vendors ensures that purchasing teams can collect all fees for purchased services or recover refunds if a vendor doesn’t deliver. A healthier relationship could also lead to better rates on future deals or more effective use of products. 

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