Docusign App Center: Customize

As organizations expand and add new elements to their deal workflow! the complexity of connecting everything increases. Manual patching isn’t flexible and systems can easily fail. As a result! accurate information is harder to find! business slows down! deadlines are missed! mistakes are made! and money is lost.

Meet Docusign App Center

To solve this problem! we’re introducing the Docusign App Center . For the first time! customers us contact number list will be able to seamlessly integrate a number of popular agreement tools with Docusign IAM . The App Center is the home of a new set of apps that customers can discover and install to extend their Docusign IAM resources. They can search for and discover apps! learn about new use cases! and authenticate directly to the app after installation. Apps are ready to install and can be configured by the user to meet each customer’s unique business needs. 

us contact number list

App Center acts as a central hub! opening connections to every part of the agreement process to improve efficiency. For starters! customers can customize their workflows in Docusign Maestro and verify user-entered information in real-time with Data Verification in eSignature. They can also go beyond their existing toolset to discover innovative new ways to solve agreement challenges. 

Partners and developers can create and publish new applications ! extending the reach of their solution and enriching their resources by connecting to the deal steps that drive critical business processes.

At launch! App Center will feature an initial set of commonly used apps! including:

  • HubSpot to record customer information.
  • ServiceNow to create a ticket that triggers a workflow.
  • Quik! to extract agreement data.
  • Stripe to use the deal data to generate a paid subscription.
  • Box! Dropbox! Google Drive! Microsoft OneDrive or Sharepoint! and Prisidio to this is possible with self-service archive completed documents.

Accelerate time to value with connected workflows

On average! it takes an organization 12 months to develop a custom workflow using APIs! according to a study by Quandary Consulting Group. But now! with Docusign Maestro ! customers can easily create and deploy agreement workflows without writing any code. App Center enables customers to further extend and improve their agreement processes by connecting systems to seamlessly share data across their workflows! saving time! money! and resources. Instead of waiting months for integration projects to be defined and executed! customers can install an app with a few clicks and configure the agreement data flow through self-service. Bringing disparate systems together across the agreement process is a simple step any team can take to boost productivity! increase cost savings! and speed time to value. Best of all! it all happens on 

Discover new solutions to agreement problems

As your organization evolves! your deal needs will change! and you’ll need to use new technologies to keep up. Traditionally! that has meant finding vendors! negotiating a deal! and spending resources to implement new systems. Not anymore. App Center deploys a library of tools that extend deal capabilities to meet new needs. Whether you’re looking for a way to verify deal data! extract it! or use it to set up subscription payments! App Center will have a solution. Customers can browse an ever-growing list of offerings to discover new apps that innovatively solve deal processes.

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