A proposal to obtain better results through modern SEO experiments

And now some people will say: “The hippie blogger comes along and wants to make a proposal for SEO experiments.” And they are certainly right. Fortunately, you don’t have to be an expert in SEO to propose ways to experiment. A little control over the subject (in 10 years it’s difficult not to get something) and applying a little common sense can be enough.

SEO Experiment Photo rights by Fotolia

Before we get into the details, it is important to    south africa telegram data  know the basics of SEO today. Be careful, if you read this post later (say, in 2-3 months) the rules of the game may have changed again. According to people who apply SEO on a daily basis, the key factors of web positioning today can be summarized in four pillars.

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How can modern SEO be summed up in four points?As I always say and repeat, I do not consider myself an SEO specialist and I do not intend to be one in the future. Luckily I have a partner who knows the subject very well, so everything I could contribute would be totally  allegro is the polish equivalent of ebay  insignificant in comparison. Having said that, I will summarize the four points of modern SEO.

CTR in search results : it seems that this is a very recent topic in the last few months. When I started to study it, I came across this post that is almost 4 years old (!). Google gives    resource data  priority to those sites that receive a high number of clicks in the search result (in relation to the others).

Therefore, it is extremely important to stand out in order to increase the CTR ( Click Through Rate ) and consequently climb positions. In the latest algorithm changes, this factor has received a significant increase within the weight of the different factors, since experiments with the aim of manipulating the CTR within Quondos (conducted by Alex) have generated important increases in the rankings for the members of the community who participated in it.

If you limit yourself to manipulating CTR alone

you will always fall short. For years now, you have heard SEOs talk about the importance of on-page interaction without any good evidence for it. In fact, I had the feeling that they were relying more on intuition than on real data. Today, things have changed significantly. After that initial click, Google wants to see that the user has found relevant and quality content. This data is extracted in terms of dwell time and page views.

If it detects that a reader stays between 1-2 minutes on the website. Visiting 2-3 pages on average, this sends a positive signal to Google. Remember that the search engine wants the user experience to be positive because otherwise they would stop using its services. If you combine CTR with user interaction, the best results are achieved. These can also arise in the form of comments, although they are not absolutely necessary. It is common sense that if a post receives many comments, the dwell time increases.
Social networks : there are very few people left who doubt that Google+ is a factor for better positioning . If they exist, they would be ignorant. I would classify myself as stubborn in this context for never having created a profile and insisting on it . Luckily, I am not alone and there is a tendency to abandon this “social layer” as Google calls it.


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