Ask customers about their biggest frustrations

An problems to really understand their experience. And use that very experience as a starting point to create content that will help them. Nike, by the way, had an article on this topic. The introductory paragraph is interesting. In Russian it sounds like this: “Imagine going for a run and suddenly feeling a tingling sensation in your legs. And then suddenly your entire foot goes numb, from your heels to your toes. Running physiotherapist Carol Mack says she hears stories like this a lot, especially from elite sprinters.” Below, Nike provides tips from the pros on how to solve the problem.

An yes, don’t forget to dynamically adapt the format

That is, if, for example, minor “pains” can be address with a short answer somewhere in the FAQ, then for something more serious you will ne mom database a full-length article, support by expert opinion. Or even opinions. Tip: If you’re unsure about the format, look at the SERP results for your target keywords. Focus on what works well in organic search. Or experiment with different types of content to see what works best for your audience.

mom database

Consider micro-moments emotions in seo

We live in a world of instant gratification. This is largely due to technologies that allow you to get almost everything you ne . And with just a few taps you’ll see this more clearly on the screen. Situations when people pick up a smartphone to satisfy their urgent ne for something (usually some knowl ge, but not only) are actually call micro-moments.

They are fuel by a sense of urgency and impulsiveness

There are four main types of micro-moments: “I want to know” – when a person tries to find information. “I want to go” – when a person buying house b wants to get to some place. “I want to do” – when a person tries to do something difficult or new for himself. “I want to buy” – when a person is ready to make a purchase or ne s advice regarding it. Let’s take this one step at a time.

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