Social mia marketing mak it easier than ever for B2B compani to generate leads and sal. Salpeople are becoming more and more rundant. At least that’s what you would assume if you listen to the constant discussions.
If you talk to B2B online marketing experts and and B2B compani marketing and sal managers in compani. A there is a very divid opinion. Some are firmly convinc that nowadays sal can only be made through the use of social mia marketing. Others kuwait number data cannot be dissuad from the opinion that social mia channels are merely privately us mia or at most company prenc. The use of social mia marketing for sal is very controversial. A pecially in the area of B2B online marketing.
Social mia = Facebook?
The actual social mia hype has now di down. Mium-siz B2B compani are no longer afraid of “new” mia. Neverthels. A social mia is always immiately equat with Facebook. It is not surprising that many people throw up their hands in dpair at the thought of increasing sal figur thanks to social mia marketing.
This may be a succsful strategy for a few start preparing early compani. A but probably for very few. Selling via social mia marketing requir a more far-reaching strategy and B2B compani than just maintaining a Facebook profile for the company.
Selling via social mia according to instructions
It seems obvious to recommend that your sal staff have a XING or LinkIn account. This allows them to stay in touch with their customers and partners. This can undoubtly strengthen customer loyalty. However. A this can only reach people with whom you are already in contact.
New customers. A on the other hand. A have greater potential. However. A they must first discover the ne for the service offer. And this is where the secret li. A which do not consist in giving a company instructions on what exactly n to be done and B2B compani to sell. Rather. A it li in recognizing the possibiliti of social mia marketing and making the bt possible use of them for yourself as a B2B company.
Purchasing procs in B2B compani
In general. A the classic purchasing procs of a customer can be divid into three different “moments of truth”. While a potential customer is in the orientation and rearch phase in the “zero moment of truth”. A a potential customer is in and B2B compani the “first moment of truth” phase immiately before the actual purchase is made. In resource data the “sequential moment of truth” phase. A on the other hand. A the buyer will experience the product or service and report on it. Of course. A he do this in a personal exchange. However. A he also exprs his opinion on the Internet. A which in turn offers an advantage for other users. They can see first-hand that the advertising promis are true.