Artificial Intelligence, renewing professions

In 10 years we will see substantial changes with theArtificial intelligence, where traditional jobs will be reorient with the intensive use of this technology.
In a decade, the use of theArtificial intelligence(AI) will bring about substantial changes in traditional professions and jobs as we currently know them.

Examples mention include:

Agriculture, where drones are already being us with software that identifies when a pest will start, which helps protect crops.
Manufacturing, where AI can be us to replicate a factory digitally, thus training workers to identify highly dangerous elements in the equipment they have to handle.
The metaverse, where it is us in combination to train workers in high-risk environments.
This is how Mario Chao, CEO of NTT DATA Mexico , explain it, who had the following opinion:

“I wouldn’t talk about job losses, but I italy whatsapp number data would say that traditional jobs as we know them today will be reorient to make intensive use of technology.”

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From his point of view, the concern we should have is how we support social activities so that re-training occurs .

Thus, he stat that in 10 years we will see substantial changes with Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) would create more than 117 thousand jobs

Breaking the AI ​​myth

Chao stress that there will not always be a how to take part in bidding and learn how to win replacement of personnel. For example, he mention, the visualization and recognition of mical images will never replace the doctor.

However, he add, they can be of great help in improving productivity and performing image analysis that was not being done before due to the shortage of certain specialists.

“In that case, it would not replace the cz lists specialist and it would not take away work from anyone, on the contrary, we will be able to read certain elements of mical imaging that we were not able to do until now,” Chao exemplifi.

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