Balance of contribution and reward

Motivated people work better, and better workers increase the quality, efficiency, effectiveness, uniqueness, stability, etc. of the organization. If people work hard in an organization, it definitely shows that they are motivated and satisfied with their work. Therefore, motivation is important for achieving fair compensation and employee satisfaction. According to D. Daley, this satisfaction is a clear indicator that the organization has achieved a balance between employee contribution to work and fair compensation (Daley, 1986, p. 133).

If employees feel that the balance between

Their work contribution and reward is violated, tension arises, which is the cause of lack of motivation. An example of the justice chinese in america of motivation is the Lawler-Porter model, which analyzes the elements of employees’ contribution to work and fair compensation. In this model, five variables are distinguished: effort, perception, results obtained, reward, level of satisfaction.

special data

According to EF Lawler and LM Porter, it is particularly important

To combine the latter variables into a complex whole in order to be effective. The main premise of the model is that an employee’s level of effort advantages of live chat support vs email support depends on the value of the reward and the extent to which the person believes that effort and potential reward are related. The achieved result can provide intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, which would respectively be called a sense of satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, a sense of competence, self-esteem, praise from the manager.

A bonus, career advancement, etc. (Lawler, Porter, 1982, p. 47).

Intrinsic rewards are rewards that material data motivate an individual from within. Extrinsic rewards are controlled by external forces. According to EF Lawler and LM Porter, intrinsic rewards are more related to motivation than extrinsic because they are independent of other individuals. This creates a dilemma for the organization because it can only control rewards called extrinsic.

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