CFE will be a telecommunications wholesaler

The IFT grant the concession to lease network capacity, infrastructure and telecommunications services.
The Plenary Session of the Feral Telecommunications Institute (IFT) resolv to grant the Feral Electricity Commission (CFE) a concession for commercial use, with the character of a wholesale shar network.

This will allow it to lease network capacity, infrastructure and telecommunications services to other concessionaires and authoriz operators.

This will enable you to directly offer services to end users

In accordance with the provisions of Article 140 of the Feral Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law.

This resolution complies with the provisions of the constitutional reform on telecommunications, which provides for the existence of wholesale networks.

“A new competitor is entering this greece whatsapp number data market, which will make its transport network available, and the shar use of infrastructure is encourag.

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“To facilitate the access of more telecommunications service providers to a greater number of locations in the national territory .”

The statement highlights:
Even those where the current service offering is little or non-existent, encouraging the deployment of networks.

In addition, the economies of scale associat with the deployment of electrical infrastructure will allow for greater deployment and development of the telecommunications network.

Consequently, more elements for sharing infrastructure.

Which would have a more efficient and functional use for the provision of public telecommunications services.

Details of the grant

The IFT plenary highlight that:

Neither the concession grant nor the wholesale concession, held by Financiera para el Bienestar (formerly Telecomm). Confer exclusive rights over CFE’s infrastructure.
The CFE’s participation in the telecommunications sector as a wholesaler is consistent with its mandate to allow the shar use of infrastructure.
The concession title neural network for creating presentations: top 10 tools for business grant includes. Specific conditions for compliance with the principles of competition neutrality and non-discrimination.
Transparency regarding the cmo email list contributions, support, subsidies and transfers receiv.
In addition. They are requir to submit reference public offerings to the IFT for approval.

To be offer to all customers in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner, the Institute concludes.

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