How Images from World Culture Help Companies Attract Customers

Often we choose a brand not only because we like its product or service for its quality. Sometimes we are guided by our emotions and life ideas. Brands use such motives of people and create the company’s image based on the appropriate archetype.

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In this article, we reveal this concept and talk about creating and developing a brand using archetypes. We look at how companies use archetypes in marketing.

The essence of the concept

The word itself means “primary form or pattern”. The concept of “archetype” was introduced into psychology by Carl Jung. According to Jung, archetypes morocco phone number library are patterns of behavior, motives that are inherent in people. He noted that different cultures have similar associations, roles and characters in legends and fairy tales.

Archetype Theory in Branding

The theory of archetypes has found its application in branding . A brand archetype is a universal image, a set of certain characteristics and features of character, a way of thinking. It forms the basis of the brand and makes it understandable and close to the target audience.

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In their book The Hero and the Rebel, writer and scholar Carol Pearson and marketer Margaret Mark developed Jung’s theory and identified 12 archetypes.

These archetypes are divided into 4 groups, united by values ​​and motives. Each archetype has its own communication style or a special behavior model.

Archetypes do not depend on nationality, religion best time to buy major appliances or country. For example, the hero archetype for any person in the world represents courage, bravery, perseverance.

Types of Archetypes

Child (innocent), seeker and sage . They value independence and self-realization. The goal is to strive for the ideal.

Jester, good guy and lover . Want to belong to a group, a tg data community. The goal is to become part of society, to have social connections.

Parent (caring), creator and ruler. Stability and control are important. The goal is to structure and order the world.

Hero, rebel and wizard (magician)

They strive for change, are not afraid to take risks, and challenge. The goal is to leave their mark.

We encounter each universal image in cinema, literature and history. The audience finds something familiar and close in them.

Why do we need archetypes?

Let’s look at the benefits that using archetypes brings to a brand and business.

Build an emotional connection
An archetype helps a brand build an emotional connection with its customers. It humanizes them, makes them seem like a living being with their own ideas, goals, and mission.

Archetypes can be used to communicate brand values ​​so that customers can understand how closely they align with their views. This type of interaction with the target audience can ensure their loyalty and attachment to the company.


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