Email marketing is experiencing a second youth. Social mia and new communication channels could have represent the decline of email, but instead it has confirm its value by becoming an important communication tool for large and small businesses.

Nowadays, email marketing, which was born and spread along with the Internet, remains an absolutely relevant mium when it comes to business and it is important that it is well integrat into a broader communication strategy.

What are the benefits of email marketing?

It is clear and immiate, creates a direct relationship with the recipient, is easily traceable and, consequently, through the analysis of the results obtain, allows us to understand what to change and how.


Within the rdcom platform , the statistics section is treat in detail precisely because data represents a source of information that can be exploit over time. The user has access to a whole series of useful elements to understand and chile email list 3 million contact leads improve the different aspects of their campaigns, including: a reader map with days and times of email opening to evaluate when it is best to send, a click map to check the points that register the most interactions and a list of unsubscribes.



First of all, you will ne a well-defin l


Contacts with the appropriate consent. It is essential, and in accordance with the privacy policy, that the how to use neural networks for business: examples and best practices recipients on the list have given their consent to receive your emails to avoid incurring unpleasant situations or complaints from people who are not interest in your communications.

The rdcom platform operates in compliance with the rules provid for by the GDPR regarding the protection of personal data. Therefore, there is a possibility that, following an analysis carri out during the import phase, some of the upload by lists contacts are identifi as suspicious or require additional verification. In this case, the platform temporarily freezes the list. Our support service will be available to provide you with all the information in this regard.


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