How to monetize a blog during the first year with the goal of earning more than with Google Adsense

“But Google Adsense pays very little…” some people will rightly say. It is true because despite being the online advertising platform that pays the best on average, it is still relatively little compared to what a person who is starting out in this world might imagine. 100,000 page views per month sometimes do not reach 150 euros in income . This amount will allow you to survive in few countries on the planet.

Alternative to Adsense Photo rights by Fotolia

The bad thing is that those who are new to this world  sweden telegram data   usually don’t know anything other than Google Adsense . Someone has told them or they have even read somewhere that with a blog you can earn a lot or at least a decent amou
I am no longer very involved in this world because I am more interested in creating medium and long-term projects than in monetizing niches with websites.

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I started with Google Adsense in 2004 and after 3-4 months I was already nline ads.When the monthly turnover reached a level where we felt like “I think this should be declared” and especially being a foreigner in    oining the global b2b sales system can  Switzerland, we took the next step.

We set up a company in less than a year . One of the partners decided to leave because he was a bit scared of setting up a start-up. A year later I also left to create an alternative to Google Adsense in Spain (Coguan). Although it didn’t work out, it was one of the best decisions of my life. The Swiss  resource data   company still exists and my ex-partner has been living off it ever since. I write this with a certain pride, although it is no longer my merit, but I feel that I am somewhat “guilty” that he can live wherever he wants to follow his second passion, which is learning languages. But anyway, I digress…

Why very few people make more

I don’t think the way we made money with Google Adsense back then can be replicated today. At the time, I thought of trying the concept of arbitrage. I already knew this from the stock market world, where I was active for 1 year (from the age of 18 to 19), probably losing a couple of thousand euros (luckily I never did the exact calculation).

We bought traffic with Google Adwords at a low cost to send it to articles optimized to display ads with a high cost per click on Adsense. It worked like a charm and there were months where you could get 3 for 1 euro invested. I have heard of people who have tried buying visits from Facebook but it is not working for them. I imagine that Google in this case does not show. The expensive ads because it classifies social media traffic as low quality. But these are only suspicions and I have not been able to verify it in person yet.

Back to what I was saying. Here is a quick summary of why very few people in. Spain (we can include Spanish-speaking countries) earn more than 1,000 euros with Google Adsense. In general it can even be a mix of these 3 factors:


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