How to sell products and services online – generating brand traffic and conversion

I warn you before you get your hopes up. This post is going to be short. Too short, probably, because such a broad question cannot be answered in the 90-minute time slot I have on a train ride from Alicante to Valencia. It would be more of an answer that would require a book, or even several.

how to sell online Photo rights by Fotolia

Why, despite the magnitude of this question, am I  uae telegram data   dedicating a post to it? Very simple. And no, the answer is not to position it on Google. I’ll tell you. It is one of the most frequently asked questions by people who want to set up an online business .

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When I have someone in front of me, they usually look at me with wide eyes waiting for the answer they were looking for so long that will solve all their problems. Disappointment comes quickly when they realize that I don’t have it either. I don’t have the exact path because it is always  how to sell b2b services?   different. I can give you 3 general clues that may help you find your own path.

It all starts with generating traffic to your website. Which is the best channel? Well, it depends, as always. Being present on Google is important, but it doesn’t solve all your    resource data  problems. Let’s go step by step:

Targeted visits to build brand

The most important thing to succeed online is patience. Plans never work out, so you’re not going to launch an online store and attract customers from day one. Especially if you haven’t gotten your act together in time by launching it properly .

The lack of a financial cushion is what makes many businesses fail because planning assumes that the first significant income will arrive a few weeks after opening the doors. The entire budget has been spent on creating e-commerce and now viral marketing is expected to work miracles. It is not taken into account that most of the visits that come in at the beginning are more branding than anything else.

Search engine traffic : This requires solid SEO work combined with content marketing focused on your target audience. You need to know your potential customer well. If you don’t know who they are, it’s time to get to know them better.

Visits from social networks

the amount of traffic from Twitter and Facebook and other platforms depends on the quality of the work done in the field of content marketing.
Mentions in blogs, forums and media : This source of traffic is the most overlooked, the most valuable and at the same time the most difficult to get. It can help you close deals with bloggers or forum owners where you send them special offers for their users. You don’t expect many sales. It serves as branding and an excuse to contact these media that give you a boost of visibility and trust.
There are more nuances to brand-oriented traffic sources. But in order to simplify a matter as complex as online sales, we’ll leave it at that (for now).

Conversion-oriented visits
Whether these visits will generate results or simply increase the counter on your web analytics tool depends on all the previous work you have done. In general, there is not a direct relationship between a visit and a sale, unless the founder or the company is already known in the market, because this would mean, in the best of cases, an existing trust based on the values ​​of the personal or business brand. This is a fundamental asset when it comes to selling in general, which you typically do not have when you start from scratch.

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