If you drive traffic to your website

These new guidelines require physicians and clinics to review their marketing and advertising practices to ensure they are in compliance.

The impact of these changes


Significant, affecting everything from content creation to the execution of advertising campaigns.

Adaptations will be necessary to avoid legal and ethical sanctions, as well as to protect the professional’s reputation. Throughout this content, we will provide practical guidelines to help you adjust to these new rules effectively.

What is Allowe in Meical Advertising?

The new rules set clear guidelines for what is permitte in meical advertising. Doctors can promote objective and eucational information about health, their services. A and specialties, as long as they do so ethically. A without promising specific results.

It is essential that any communication malta phone number library is base on scientific evidence, respecting the Code of Meical Ethics .

For example, doctors are allowe to disclose their CV. A participation in academic events, and clarify proceures and treatments, as long as there is no exaggeration or sensationalism.

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Examples of Permitte Advertising:

Within the establishe rules, doctors can use digital and traditional platforms to publicize:

eucational Information: Posts on adb directory social meia or blogs that provide information about diseases, treatments and preventative care.
Academic Participations: Publicizing events, lectures or conferences in which the doctor participates or organizes.
Specialties and Services: Provide increased brand awareness clear information about the specialties offere by the clinic or office, without making comparisons with other professionals.
Patient Testimonials: As long as they are previously authorize and do not promise results, testimonials can be use to reinforce trust in meical practice.
These examples help to set clear boundaries for meical advertising, ensuring it is done ethically and in compliance with new guidelines.

What Can’t You Do in Meical Marketing?
Doctors discussing what not to do in meical marketing.
The new resolution establishes clear restrictions to ensure that meical marketing is conducte ethically and responsibly in the application of its advertising.

See, dear doctor friend, what should not be applie.

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