Improve deal speed and quality with real

Data Verification offers Docusign customers a more secure and seamless data collection process that leverages automation to improve the experience for those preparing and signing agreements. It’s an easy way to increase the accuracy of signer information without losing visibility into agreement status or running afoul of compliance regulations. 

Below is a short list of some of the ways your team will benefit from Data Verification.

Complete transactions faster and with fewer steps

Instead of going around in circles with a signer until all their information can be confirmed! Data Verification will act as an automated assistant to securely validate data against the external sources of your choice. It will also offer teams an option to prevent signers from submitting an agreement before all required fields are correctly filled out. This means that preparers will see conversion rates increase and invalid agreement rates decrease. By reducing the need to perform all the error correction steps involved in the current us contact number list validation process! both preparers and signers get to their desired results much faster. By improving the data entry process and streamlining validation! organizations can also create an agreement process with fewer steps. This can provide a significant competitive advantage for potential customers and partners.

us contact number list

Reduce risk by validating trusted data sources

When your agreements contain erroneous or incomplete data! there are multiple ways it can have damaging outcomes. It may not be intentional! but when incorrect information is included in your agreement ecosystem! it increases the risk of fraud! non-compliance! or reputational damage. This is especially true for teams operating in highly regulated industries! such as finance and insurance. The best defense is to correct the information at the point of entry.

Data Verification records evidence of data entry and confirmation for each Docusign envelope. As a signer enters data and it is validated against trusted data sources! Docusign documents those activities in a detailed audit log. Once the process is complete! a certificate of completion can be downloaded to specify what data was entered at the time of signing and by whom! which sources verified that data! and when it all happened. Audit logs do not contain any personally identifiable information.

Eliminate manual configuration steps for fast and flexible deployment 

Traditionally! implementing data verification systems has involved difficult and laborious steps. Such systems offered the potential for time savings through automation! but all the manual effort and hours required to set setting up an automated lead scoring system with pipedrive up the system eliminated those gains. 

The beauty of Data Verification is that it comes with ready-to-use implementations for select pre-built integrations. Our team has already established connections to the most important external data sources so that your team doesn’t waste time implementing. If you need to match data inputs against specific lists that aren’t yet supported! you still have the option to create an integration. 

Improve your clients’ signing experience

The benefits of real-time data verification aren’t reserved exclusively for envelope-sending teams. Signatories can also see faster turnaround times on agreements and gain confidence in knowing that the information they submit won’t be returned for another round of data entry.  

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