IOS 11 Beta release announced by Apple

stApple’s updat models are part of the list of releases that everyone is waiting for. Therefore, the fact that Apple announc that its iOS 11 Beta model will be releas is great news, making many fans of this brand pay attention. With efficient updates to its assistant and other features, such as Messenger, this device also has an interesting and slightly smaller design.

Siri: How users of this device can take advantage of it
The assistant on Apple devices qatar phone number data is call Siri and it is a feature that makes many tasks faster: Siri, for example, is how you can perform voice searches. With this, people say what they want the device to display and it does so. However, users will be able to do translations using only this personal assistant.

All you have to do is start this

feature and say any word in the languages ​​that are recogniz (Italian and French are some options, as well as English and others) for the assistant to translate it. Even though this is a huge step forward for Siri to become even better, it will not translate complete sentences in the short term, focusing only on vocabulary. It should also be said that testing is still being done before the iOS 11 Beta is releas with this tool.

phone number data

Augment reality
This is the technology that became very popular when the game Pokémon Go was launch. After all, it ends up mixing images of reality with an increase in it provid by the camera, and with that, people feel like they are “inside” what they are seeing.

The new iOS 11 Beta may bring augment reality to some of its camera features. However, it is worth waiting to see if this will actually be possible, as there are companies that are developing the necessary platform.

Organiz photographs

The camera on this Apple model is of high quality and that is why users like to take advantage of it. However, its functionality goes beyond just taking good photos: this model 5 key performance indicators to master your hotel’s revenue management creates albums instantly, saving the photos that have been shar or taken so that the user can find them.

When users take photos on WhatsApp, for example, they will all be in one folder. The same will happen for bz lists photos taken on Messenger, those taken with the camera, and everything else. Photo iting software will also save their own versions.rengths.

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