Learn 13 email marketing KPIs that you should include in your strategy and how to analyze them properly

The same principle applies when it comes to email campaigns.

But many professionals don’t realize that email marketing metrics go far beyond open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), and unsubscribe rates.

In reality, these indicators do not allow us to answer the fundamental question — how effective is your email campaign?

In this guide, I will tell you everything you ne to know about analyzing your strategy, to evaluate your methods, identify imperfections, correct them and achieve your goals.

I’m going to detail the most important email marketing KPIs. Both those that appear in the reports of your email automation platform, and those that only you can calculate on your own (after defining the process costs and the conversion rates that you consider ideal).

Do you want to keep up with the trends and compare your company’s performance with the market average? I invite you to read the latest GetResponse Email Marketing Benchmark Report , an annual study we conduct with expert insights, bas on real statistics from our clients.

What is a KPI?
KPI is an expression from English that means Key Performance Indicator . Freely translat, it would be something like a “key performance indicator”. What it seeks is to evaluate the effectiveness of a campaign bas on certain objectives.

It is worth mentioning that all KPIs are metrics, but not all metrics are KPIs . Among the thousands of data that can be analyz in a marketing strategy, each company will choose some as the most important for its specific objectives, and those are the KPIs.

Let’s say the primary KPI for project A is the czechia email list 1.3 million contact leads number of newsletter subscribers. For project B, that might be a secondary metric, while organic blog traffic would be one of the KPIs.

czechia email list 1.3 million contact leads

In short, you have the freom to choose the KPIs for your email marketing campaigns . That decision will depend on your business growth strategy, the weight that emails have in your marketing plan, and the types of emails you will prioritize.

Top 13 Email Marketing KPIs and Metrics
From now on, you will see a list of super important metrics, the ones you should monitor constantly and analyze carefully when reviewing your strategy.

itor’s note
itor’s note:The method of calculating these metrics may be different for each of the email marketing tools on the market. The following formulas come from a “standardiz” way of measuring email campaign performance. For a fair comparison, I suggest you use only one software or dashboard in your analysis.

1. Email open rate
This metric simply represents the number of times your messages were open by recipients .

This is a comparison between the number of emails open by senders and all emails deliver (excluding those that have been reject).

How to calculate your email open rate:

Open rate = (number of openings / number of emails deliver) X 100%
How are openings detect?
Your email marketing platform embs a small transparent or 1×1 pixel image in each message.

The hosting server then records the “open event” when the browser or email provider requests the image to be download.

This means that an open only counts if the api integration for email and sms recipient opens the email and activates the images , or if they click on a link in the message.


Despite the pros and cons of this KPI, it is worth bw lists checking and monitoring the open rate. It highlights your reach among subscribers and is an easy way to compare campaigns, such as those sent to dif

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