Mobile apps: 7 reasons for your company to implement them

Technology is present in the daily lives of millions of people around the world, from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep. We carry our cell phones everywhere we go and are constantly checking emails, updating our feeds and exchanging messages with people who are miles away.

Nowadays, with just a few clicks, it is possible to perform simple daily activities, such as paying bills, ordering food, watching movies and even shopping. Any company, whether small, medium or large, must be aware of these consumers.

The market is growing every day

The need to keep up with it, many companies are wondering about the ideal time to invest in mobile apps. To answer this question, we have gathered seven essential reasons. Check it out!

Read also: Developing an App: discover the 10 mistakes you can make

Mobile Apps: how important are they?
According to research by the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), Brazilians spend an average of 3 and a half hours a day on their mobile devices. When your app icon appears on the smartphone screen, your brand is engraved in the user’s subconscious.

We have just mentioned how much the app market has grown, and this is even more palpable here. Our country is ahead of others, as the population manages to use an average of 29 apps per month. Due to this profile, they are already considered the people who use the most apps in the world.

Due to the receptive public, the use israel phone number data of mobile apps as a marketing strategy is increasingly necessary, given that the acceptance of this resource is broader here than abroad.

phone number data

More convenience

Addition to being the leader in the ranking of application usage. Brazilians still use mobile devices for various activities in their daily lives.

Research shows that more than 80% of people. Use their cell phones to check their emails, while an average. Of 57% search for information on the device, in addition to other. Activities such as communication, carried out on social networks, for example.

Much of this is linked to the ease and comfort that the device brings, considered one of the main advantages of a cell phone for Brazilians, which has long since ceased to be used only for making and receiving calls.

Push Notifications
Push notifications are messages the essence of the concept, examples, methods and tools sent directly to your smartphone, even when the app is not in use or the screen is locked. A study by Urban Airship showed that messages with push notifications have a higher read rate and can increase user engagement and retention.

According to this study, around 50% of users allow notifications, and the retention rate of users who received them was 93% higher in the first month after downloading. Notifications cz lists keep customers updated on the latest news from your company. Your company can send push notifications for offers, launches, messages, etc.

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