Moreover, these authors argue that in reality

Organizations do not fully control even these rewards. D. Riley (1993) points out that an employee can consider all rewards as internal. For example, not being able to give himself a monetary reward or power, he may decide that these things are not very important to him. Thus, the efforts of the organization trying to motivate the employee only with these factors may go in vain.

Analyzing the balance of contribution and reward

We see that different people value different chinese overseas asia number data things or value the same things differently, so the same worker can value the same thing differently and at different periods of his life. This means that no one method of motivation will be suitable for all employees, and even for each employee it will have different effects at different times.

special data

Therefore, in order to motivate each employee

The organization must create an individual new couponx features: enhanced cart targeting, discount types, and email collection motivation package for each one, taking into account what that employee values ​​most at the moment. It is therefore possible to identify sources of motivation that are appropriate for most individuals in most organizations at most stages of their careers. D. Riley identifies five main sources of motivation. These are general social motivators, organizational goals, job content, working conditions and money (Riley, 1993, p. 218).

General social motivators

Some people work hard and work well because they have a sense of duty. It can be said that this is a consequence of the socialization process, when material data a child is taught from an early age that it is everyone’s duty to do everything as well as possible. Associat with these general social motivators is reward, which is the personal satisfaction that comes from a sense of duty perform. In EF Lawler and LM Porter’s classification, this satisfaction is intrinsic reward, so it is not easy for organizations to use it for motivation.

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