Readable, etc. Pay attention to on-site SEO. For mobile, take two elements into consideration. Very simple but always decisive title and description. Of a web page. The snippets in the . Serp on mobile occupy a large part of the visible area. Optimize. Title and description in optics. Mobile is very important, because we have to provide the user with information. Which searches in a way.
More Immediate A Short Title E
More immediate. A short and incisive title can be very effective. However. It’s about the goal. Description, we must take into account the recent Google update on the extension of the number. Of characters. Viewable. In the desktop version it reaches the characters, significantly lengthening the scrolling of the serp.Nella. Version. Mobile does not always match the number of characters shown. Typically I. Characters definitely displayed are .
But look at the results
But by looking at the results in the mobile SERP, you can. Check for discrepancies. Tools for mobile-first index I leave you below some free tools car owner database that you can. Use . To check if your site complies with the parameters of the mobile-first index. In . Not reality. They are tools that tell you directly if the verified page has any . Specific indexing issues. From the mobile version – these tools make your life easier when you need to do .
An Accurate Analysis of Visibility
An accurate analysis of visibility. Of the site why is it so difficult? for the mobile version, what are the points. To optimize and those to . Improve with more urgency. I used them too. To improve performance and I . Scores assigned by google to my websitegoogle. Speedpage insightslighthouse report viewerweb.Devgoogle search consolewhy are we . Arrived at the mobile first index and where. Will it lead to this? Google’s decision to adopt the .
Mobile First Index Comes From
Mobile first index comes from awareness. More powder data traffic from mobile searches. The percentage. Of searches from mobile devices. It has now surpassed desktop ones. By moving the index from desktop to . Mobile, Google ensures that . A site positions itself in mobile search only if the information requested. It’s actually available. You might be interested in corporate blog everything you need to know to have .