Real-time marketing – how Real Time Marketing wins over users

Google Analytics can be a devastating distraction. Especially when you launch, open or put tickets on sale as was the case yesterday for the World Quondos Record . You launch the email marketing campaign and sit back and watch what happens. These moments are exciting and are one of the few milestones you consciously experience when setting up an online business.

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It’s not like a bricklayer’s job, where he finishes his work  vietnam telegram data   day and can literally see his work grow every day. But that would be another post.Real-time marketing is like many of the “new” concepts that put a name to things we are already doing. It could be summarized in a simplified way as ad-hoc marketing adapted to a current context and events.

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The Oreo brand has been a pioneer of real-time marketingOne campaign that caught the attention of the marketing world worldwide was the celebration of the Oreo brand’s birthday in 2012. When you reach the magic number of 100, you have a lot of pressure as a marketing department to  the future of Image conversion technology   carry out a memorable action. They achieved it.

They created content that was always in a current context. In the morning the team met to define the theme and by 6 pm it was already published. All of this was repeated for 100 days    resource data  and thanks to the creativity in the designs they managed to multiply interactions on social networks with a positive impact on brand awareness .

What is real-time marketing for

It is clear that real-time marketing is a requirement that adapts to new technologies and the expectations of the 2.0 user . We do not have time to respond to a tweet, an email or any type of online conversation with excessively long deadlines . On Twitter or Facebook we could be talking about a few hours or, if it is a complaint, even in a matter of minutes.

The larger the organization, the more trouble it has in carrying out marketing that requires so much flexibility in processes and quick decision making. Those who succeed are able to see an impact on overall user satisfaction and an increase in their conversion rate. The new currency of marketing along with attention is reaction time . The faster, the better.

If we are willing to react quickly to criticism

we should also develop the same capabilities when launching ad-hoc campaigns to take advantage of a current context. It is clear that with speed comes a loss of accuracy and the error rate increases.

I always emphasize speed, risking mistakes. If we want brands to be more human, users also have to start to understand that mistakes can happen . It can even generate more closeness as long as we are able to react and solve the problems in record time. The important thing is to show that your users care about you. The reaction time sends a message and if it is brief it helps to generate emotional links much more powerful than any discount or offer in the world could match.

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