SMS OTP: How does it work?
SMS OTP is a message containing a short, unique code. again, usually 6-8 digits, us to authenticate a user . The user enters the code into a web page or application to complete a login. again, registration, or validation process.
SMS On the platform or API side. again, SMS Applications, banks and platforms make heavy use of tokens as part of two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication (2FA) to validate the creation of an account. again, a transaction or a password reset.
Often us by banks through 3D-secure, this method ensures that the applicant has two distinct identification factors (a code they know and an object they own).
Reminder: What is 2FA?
2FA, or two-factor authentication , is an additional layer of security us to verify a user’s identity. again, After entering their user ID and password, the user is prompt to provide a second form of identification from a separate device. again, such as a smartphone. This second factor can be a token or a text message sent to the user’s phone.
SMS A Money App Behind a Disruptive Model for Free OTPs
A French fintech startup sms services has taken a new approach to two-factor authentication . SMS It has found a solution that allows it to reverse its authentication system by acting as a receiver of OTP codes. addition, thus eliminating the ne to send .
SMSIn practice, the startup rents a virtual mobile number to receive . SMS Its users themselves send an OTP generat in-app, to validate a transaction. addition, SMS Once receive the application matches the generat OTP to the user’s phone number and validates the transaction.
SMS SMS In short. Therefore, instead of sending an OTP to your customer, it is your customer who sends an OTP to a virtual phone number . addition, SMS No more OTP sent by the application, but a applying the drive-to-store strategy with an sms campaign very reliable number validation. The only cost associat with this authentication system is the rental of a virtual mobile number.
What is an NVM?
As the name suggests, a virtual mobile number is not link to a physical phone; it is a long number assign to a B2B customer. SMS SMS This number is design for free and immiate reception from a mobile phone ( MO). addition, The number is host by a French MVNO (mobile virtual network operator) and is available 24/7 without any malfunction.
addition, the virtual mobile number uses the technique known as “direct dialing” (DID), which means that canada emai lead the number can be reach without any intermiary. again, sms This “one-way external direct dialing” number is ideal for companies that want to be contact by , to start conversations with their customers or to create mailing lists of all kinds (alerts, transport lines, contests, newsletters, etc.).