Stop sending mailings if you want to save your database and achieve sales with your newsletter

It may seem a bit counterintuitive at first glance to stop sending newsletters in order to get more sales. Give me 3 minutes and the next 2-3 paragraphs to prove to you that the idea behind it is not as useless as it may seem at first glance.

Database burned Photo rights by Fotolia

Where did the idea for this post come from? Recently,    turkey telegram data  an organization with thousands of members sent out a newsletter to promote one of my projects. Do you want to know how many of the 10,000 people who signed up for the newsletter (an estimate, but it should be more or less accurate) ended up visiting the landing page I prepared for it?

telegram database users list

I’ll tell you: 2. I could even have generated those 2 visits myself, since on this occasion I forgot to create a campaign link to make the exact measurement.In these cases, sending to a database is of no use to you.
What does this mean, apart from the fact that the  b2b sales are large-scale sales   people who sent it don’t know anything about email marketing? It means that if someone offers to include you in a newsletter, you should be on your guard. And even more so if they show you the number of subscribers they have as proof of the value of the offer.

So it’s time to investigate the matter a little more thoroughly. The    resource data   value of a newsletter drops almost to the bottom on subsequent occasions.If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you already know that I’m a big fan of email marketing. It’s an incredibly powerful tool if you know how to use it well . Unfortunately, many cases like the one I just mentioned show me that some organizations have a treasure and they treat it like a pimple on their face. They want to squeeze the most out of it.

Especially when you send out emails frequently that don’t add value to the recipient, it may already be too late. You’ve probably already burned through your database and the damage is irreversible. Here are the steps to follow to salvage what’s left:

Delete all those emails that have not been opened for more than a year

Remember that each email costs you money (unless you have your own sending program) and it is no use saving something that does not generate at least one visit.
Reduce the frequency of your shipments to once a month . Later on you can increase it again, but at this stage it is not in your best interest to cause more damage. This mistreated treasure must be revalued.
Don’t sell anything in the next 10 emails . Do the opposite, even. Offer free stuff of great value to the people who still dare to open that email. Your goal should be to get an open rate above 20%.
Segment by interests . Depending on the tool you are using, you can create different segments with interests based on user behavior. You stop sending to everyone and change it to segmentation by topic based on historical data obtained.
One objective per mailing . Stop confusing people. Don’t mix too many topics in the same mailing. If you used to put too many things in a mailing, now it might be better to go to the other extreme and deal with only one topic per campaign.
Sometimes the damage is irreversible and you may have to start from scratch. Before trying to sell again with the help of email marketing, you have to regain the trust and interest of the people who signed up for your newsletter .


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