Test optimization

SEO audit involves diagnostics of sites on different operating systems and mobile devices. Based on its results, one can judge the resource’s Test optimization compatibility with a huge number of sites and displays.

There are a number of useful programs for checking the connection:

  • Stack browser;
  • Google Search Console;
  • PageSpeed ​​Insights;
  • Firefox or Chrome inspectors;
  • Mobile Friendly Test from Google;
  • Cross Browser Testing;
  • web.dev platform.

Linking the mobile version to the CMS

By connecting your mobile phone to the user-friendly interface of this platform, you will feel how much easier it has become to work colombia cell phone number list with the site. The WordPress system is recognized as the most popular version in the world among CMS . Its WPtouch plugin for smartphones is easy to configure, understandable and convenient.

What about speed? It needs to be monitored constantly!

Slow loading of content is fraught with a large number of user refusals. The task of optimization is to minimize the number of plugins and the size of HTML tags. For these purposes, use the minifycode.com application.

Pop-up windows? Remove them!

They are too intrusive and almost all of them are useless. Plus, they cover a fair amount of the screen. Don’t wait until irritation turns into g?bor p?link?s master’s student anger – eliminate the source! Instead of pop-ups, allow another advertising format, say, hyperlinks to receive income from affiliate programs.

Tablets? They exist too!

You can’t leave them without attention. This gadget has a non-standard screen, so it requires a separate approach. Otherwise, the bot will perceive it as a PC. Of course, the information will be distorted.

Don’t forget about the huge number of potential subscribers who go online on a tablet. Your favorite website needs to be tuned to their wavelength.

What’s Test optimization the bottom line?

Today, a multi-million army of users gets up from their computer chairs, transferring the virtual world to their smartphones. Network bosses have no choice but to transfer their bots to crawl sites using a mobile index in order to respond resource data sensitively to requests from a client running on business.

So, if you haven’t optimized the resource’s mobile connection yet, you’re already behind the times. The adaptation process is complex Test optimization and time-consuming, but you can’t do without it. Until you make sure that Googlebot scans pages properly, there will be no further progress. No one will see or hear you.

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