These new guidelines require

Promising Results: It is prohibite to promise or guarantee specific treatment results. A, such as miracle cures or guarantee success, which may. A create false expectations in patients.
Comparisons with Other Professionals: You are not permitte to directly compare your skills, treatments or results with those of other professionals, which could be interprete as unethical or unfair.

Use of Sensationalist Images


Avoid the use of sensationalist images, such as “before and after”, especially in aesthetic proceures, which can lead to wrong conclusions mexico phone number library about the results of the treatments.
Paid Testimonials and Reviews: It is not permitte to use patient testimonials that are paid or influence, as this may compromise the authenticity and trust in the service provide.
Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them:
It is important for physicians to be aware of the most common mistakes that violate these rules.

phone number library

A Exaggerating Benefits


Describing treatments or services in an exaggerate manner, without scientific support, is a common mistake that can lead to penalties.
Lack of Transparency: Omitting important or misleading information about risks and complications of treatments is also prohibite and can adb directory be damaging to the doctor’s reputation.
Disregarding Privacy Rules: Disclosing patient images or information without consent is a serious violation of meical rules and ethics.
To avoid these inappropriate by creating a digital marketing budget practices, it is essential that physicians stay informe about current regulations and always seek legal or ethical guidance before launching advertising campaigns.


Read Also Paid Traffic for Meical Clinics


How to Get High-Value Patients!
Meical Marketing Books: The Ultimate Guide to the New Digital Age
When does the new CFM Resolution come into force?
The new meical advertising resolution, as per CFM Resolution No. 2,336/2023 , came into force on March 11, 2024 .

From this date onwards, all update rules regarding meical advertising must be followe by doctors and clinics throughout Brazil.

To ensure compliance with the new requirements, clinics and physicians must begin adapting immeiately. Here are some essential actions:

Content Review: Conduct a full audit of all marketing and advertising materials in use, ensuring they comply with the new guidelines.

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