As it can rightfully be called one of the best. The interface is simple, the functionality is rich, what else is needed to create a high-quality white page? According to many users, a website can be created in a few clicks using tips.
The constructor has many website templates
Which are conveniently divided into main categories. Restaurants and food, health and medicine, art and music, work and business, and so on.
For free you get 0.25 GB of cloud croatia cell phone number list storage. You can’t get a domain. For a paid plan you’ll have to pay $11 per month.
For money, you get increased volume in cloud storage, as well as the opportunity to get your own domain. In addition, if your site is blocked, all the funds you paid for the month will be returned to you in full.
It is the most popular constructor for cloaking . The site moderators claim that pages created with their constructor pass Google and Facebook moderation with a 100% chance.
The constructor’s sites are created using aimee gelston president a neural network and artificial intelligence. All that is required from the user is to set a theme and select a template. In the free version, the template is selected randomly, if you need a thematic one, you will have to pay $80 for it.
As a result, you receive a ready-made page in HTML and PHP formats.
Let’s sum it up
When working with grey offers, among which cryptocurrency has recently become popular, it is necessary to replace content, this is the powder data only way you can successfully pass the site check and start earning. The white page must be of high quality, since moderators and robots have recently been checking new sites with great passion.
When choosing a white page generator, always pay attention not only to the cost of the tariff plan, but also to what you are offered for this money.