The design of a social network page should not differ from the design of the main site. The same fonts and color schemes must be observed. Which site’s page they are on in the social network.
In the page title, it is worth adding not only the name of your store. But also the prefix internet, so that the result is an online store. Users should This significantly increases the chances of your social network page being included in the search. And also informs the user about the possibilities. The name of the store should also appear in the URL link, so it will be easier to find you.
When choosing an avatar or main photo for your page
Stick to the main rule – it should have your czech republic cell phone number list logo and a photo that catches the eye so that the user chooses you from hundreds of similar offers. Users always pay attention to the picture first. And only then start reading.
By the way, the description should only contain useful and relevant information. The main principle is less fluff, more valuable information. List the products, services, work schedule, addresses, contacts. Among the majority of social network users, there are those who work clearly and quickly: they found the page, chose the product and immediately called, agreed on delivery and terms. To do this, you must leave a link to your main site in the description.
Users should Content
The main content in the social network is product images and a detailed description. Photos must be of high quality, it is allowed to use the chandler fox owner same images as on the site. If the space in the product signature is limited. Then you can make a short description and leave a link for a more detailed study of the information.
It is also important to remember that the product catalog on the social network must be updated in a timely manner.
What to do after creating a page
Once the page is created and you intend to get the maximum profit from its existence. It is worth remembering the following rules:
- Always communicate with your key audience. Answer questions and support the feedback you receive – this way you increase brand malaysia data value and become more competitive;
- periodically create and conduct Users should various surveys – this way you can quickly understand the characteristics of your audience, what they are interested in or what they would like to see on the page;
- Don’t forget about holding contests and promotions – with them you can not only stimulate the interest of your regular customers, but also attract new ones, and increase brand awareness.