We wWe have prepar an interview with Jindřich Zechmeister, a specialist in SSL certificate security and manager of the SSLmarket project, which is successful not only in the Czech Republic.
In April 2016, ZONER software join the “Encryption Everywhere” initiative of the world’s largest certification authority, Symantec, and began to provide a free Basic DV SSL certificate to its domains. This constitutes the first step towards the basic security of Internet services, as it will allow users to use the encrypt HTTPS protocol.
To date, ZONER has already issu over 100,000 of these certificates to its customers . Why was this initiative creat and why should website or e-shop owners secure their project with an SSL certificate? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the free Basic DV certificate? We ask SSL certificate security specialist and SSLmarket.cz project manager Jindřich Zechmeister these and other questions.
ZONER has already provid its customers with over 100,000 Basic DV SSL certificates from Symantec. How did this initiative come about and what is its goal?
The Encryption Everywhere initiative
Creat due to the ne to expand encryption on the Internet and to change the understanding of encryption among users. Today’s Internet is moving towards full encryption of all communication and the new HTTP/2 protocol. that nes to be drastically chang.
Can anyone get a Basic DV certificate? What are the prerequisites for obtaining it?
Anyone who has a domain or hosting with ZONER can get a certificate. The only condition is the usa phone number data aforemention registration with us and our DNS. The customer can issue an unlimit number of certificates and we do not limit it in any way.
How exactly does the certificate work?
And what are the advantages and disadvantages?
The certificate acts as a basic trust reputation management: tools, methods and strategies security. It does not support the properties of commercial certificates as authentication elements (green line), does not contain DNS names (SAN) and does not support ECC, which is currently support for cz lists Symantec Secure Site.