The employer’s image affects how quickly you find

Today, when choosing an employer, a job seeker pays attention not only to the salary level. Money is still an important factor, but to attract employees, simply paying a lot is no longer enough, and a business cannot constantly raise salaries. To become a place where people want to work, it is necessary to create a favorable image of the company as an employer, that is, to develop a strong HR brand.

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In this article, we will tell you what a company’s HR brand is, what an employer brand consists of, and why it should be created. We will analyze the stages of development, provide examples, and give recommendations on what to do to develop and promote an HR brand.

What is hr-branding and hr-brand

HR brand is the employer’s image in the eyes of job seekers. Branding in this case is a set of measures aimed at building an HR brand.  potential employees and how long they will work for you.

For example, if two companies, Yandex and IT, are looking for a pakistan phone number library developer, the first one will most likely fill the vacancy faster, even if the second one offers a higher salary. Yandex is well-known and has an image of a company where it is prestigious to work today.

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But the development of the HR brand also takes place within the company. So it should be aimed at current employees. The external attractive image of the company will be destroyed if the promised opportunities. Do not correspond to reality and do not meet the expectations of applicants.

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What does an HR brand consist of?

In the article about the company brand and branding in general. We mentioned that a brand is a set of characteristics. The same can be said about the formation of an tg data HR brand. Let’s consider the components of an HR brand.

EVP (Employer Value Proposition) or employer value proposition

In terms of meaning, it is very similar to USP (unique selling proposition) in branding. The proposal is based on the question: why would a person want to work for your company?

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